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Student Notices October 30, 2023

Wildcats, a reminder tomorrow is PLT.  Block A begins at 9:30 sharp!

Tomorrow is Halloween! We look forward to seeing everyone dressed up in a safe and respectful costume. Students are reminded that weapons (even fake ones) are not allowed at school.

Grade 9 Students, 'Take Our Kids to Work Day' forms are due in the office.

What is McMath PRIDE? PRIDE represents our core values at the school - Positive Attitude, Respect, Integrity, Diversity, and Effort. It is an expectation of all members of the McMath community from staff to student to visitors. We would like to highlight two students who have been nominated by their teachers for displaying PRIDE behaviours, the first is Callum G. Thank you for showing your integrity in class. The second is Mackenzie C., who is being recognized for consistently helping classmates and showing a positive attitude. Thank you, Callum and Mackenzie, for making McMath a better place. 

Connections 11 students, this is a reminder that your first assignment is due on Wednesday, November 1, and it must be uploaded to Teams. Your assignment will be graded on a percentage scale, so please make sure to put in your best effort. Additionally, please check your Teams for any messages or updates from Ms. Crowe. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out via email or by visiting room B156.

Attention Grade 12 students. Friendly reminder that if you have not completed your Connexions 11 assignments, October 31st is the last day to complete and submit your assignments into the Portal. These assignments make up part of your CLC 12 mark.

This Halloween season McMath Leadership will be working with The Good Shepherd Ministry to help provide some assistance to those living on the downtown east side. We are asking for donations of pre-packaged candy and/or warm clothing (scarves, gloves, *new* socks) that will be gifted to those in need. Please drop off your donations in the office or Mr. Hass’ room, A105. 

Wildcats, the library will be closed for most of this week. Students will not have access to resources and printers Monday thru Thursday 7:30am-3:00pm and Friday 7:30am-12:00pm. 

Attention all cadets who signed up to volunteer at the Remembrance Day Assembly! There will be a brief meeting today at the beginning of lunch in Mrs. Gallant’s room C218. 

Reminder to Costa Rica students, there will be a meeting tomorrow during PLT to discuss fundraising as well as information on upcoming payments and events. See you all at 8:40 am tomorrow morning. 

A reminder to all swimmers who qualified for provincials to come to the meeting at the start of lunch today in the north gym. 

There will be girls’ basketball open gyms this week for grades 9-12 interested in playing this year on Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 – 9:00 pm and on Sunday from 7- 8:30 pm. 

Interested in playing chess?  Looking for opponents and opportunities to learn?  The McMath Chess Club is running every Monday at lunch in Mr. Thiessen’s room, B219.  Whether your brand new or a seasoned chess player, come join us at lunch! 

Grads!  Grad photo bookings are now available at  The Artona mobile lab will be at McMath from February 8th to 17th.

Updated: Monday, October 30, 2023