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Student Voice - Year Summary

This year was tremendous for students because they have been actively engaged in decision-making processes that directly impact their education. Their involvement in the district student voice conference has been a transformative experience, fostering a sense of gratitude and inspiration among them. This collaborative environment allowed them to realize the power of their voices and the importance of their contributions in shaping their educational journey. We are pleased to announce that the students want to continue to build on the district conference and create school voice forums within McMath. These forums would address ongoing issues such as vandalism, equity and inclusion, and the traditional marking system. We are immensely proud of our students' initiative and their determination to carry forward the spirit of the district student voice committee.

Regarding the "Rekindling The Flame "video project, our teachers were deeply moved and touched by their students' positive messages of gratitude and appreciation. During the presentation, some staff grew teary from their students' unexpected positive message. This initiative not only boosted teacher morale and motivation but also fostered a stronger bond between teachers and students, creating a nurturing and supportive atmosphere within the school community. We are so proud of our students for lending their voices to show that every staff plays a vital role in the school community.  
Through these student-led initiatives, our school is redefining the role of students in decision-making and recognizing their invaluable contributions to education. By actively empowering students to participate and shape their educational experience, we are cultivating a vibrant and inclusive learning environment where everyone's voice is heard and valued.

Updated: Thursday, July 6, 2023