McMath Care Club 2022-23 - Youtube Link
Ms. Kato and the McMath Care Club were very busy this year - especially with their 'Breakfast Club' on Thursdays during PLT.
The McMath Care Club members and Ms. Kato had an incredibly productive year. Ms. Kato is very honoured to have had the opportunity to run the club with these amazing students who prepare and plan the meals for 'Breakfast Club' our 'Fine Arts Night' and other events throughout the year.
The 'Breakfast Club' has been able to feed many students throughout the year with very positive results, it has been a great time for students to have an opportunity to connect with peers from various grades - there is always a lot of talking and laughing throughout the meals. Most importantly, they were nourished with a hearty breakfast before starting classes.
We are delighted to report the continued success of The McMath Care Club! We thank everyone for their continued support and financial donations and for all those are involved with making it all work!
Please check out the McMath Care Club 2022-2023 slideshow to see what they have been upto.