Dry After Grad 2025
Dry After Grad 2025
Welcome Parents!
What is a Dry After Grad (DAG)?
A Dry After Grad is an all-night, parent planned and supervised celebration, for graduating students only. The DAG is intended to reflect the graduates’ achievements and acknowledge their high school completion in a safe, inclusive and fun environment. The DAG event is the last time the graduates will all be together before they leave secondary school and embark on new adventures. The event includes entertainment, music, a variety of food and drinks, activities, games, etc. Attendance by the graduate is optional however students cannot attend the DAG if they do not attend the Dinner and Dance event immediately preceding the DAG. The Dinner/Dance is hosted by the school and DAG is planned and hosted by a large group of parent volunteers. The DAG event only happens if parents come forward to plan and host the event.
DAG has been a McMath tradition since the 1990s and students look forward to this event as a highlight of their graduation festivities. Last year we had approximately 230 students attend.
Why is it important?
Graduation night has long been associated with high-risk and illegal behaviours that can harm students and their communities. The main goal is to provide a safe ALCOHOL, DRUG, VAPE/TOBACCO and SUBSTANCE FREE alternative on grad night and to send a message that alcohol and drugs are not essential to have FUN. This prohibition is strictly enforced at the event. The DAG event is also inclusive of all graduates and is the last event for the entire graduation class to come together for some fun.
The DAG is held in the McMath school rotunda and various wings throughout the school.
Directly following the Grad Dinner and Dance event at the Pat Quinn Restaurant in Tsawwassen, starting after 11 pm. The 2025 event will be held on Thursday, June 26th until 5 am Friday, June 27th.
What are the other year end grad events?
For McMath students, the celebratory afternoon and evening of Thursday, June 26th consists of one non-ticketed event and two separate and ticketed events.
1) The parent-organized Red Carpet Event
Location: McMath breezeway
Times: Thursday, June 26th 3:30 pm – 4:20 pm photo stations for grads and their family and friends, 4:40 pm grad processional on the red carpet
Attendees: McMath grade 12 graduates and their families and friends who would like to take photos and view the red carpet processional
Cost: Free, non-ticketed event, costs covered by the DAG ticket sales
Attire: Formal for grads as they go directly to the dinner dance, Smarter Casual for guests
2) The school-sponsored Formal Grad Dinner Dance
Location: Pat Quinn Restaurant, Tsawwassen Springs, transported from McMath to and from the restaurant on hired buses
Times: Thursday, June 26th approximately 5:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Attendees: McMath Grade 12 graduates
Cost: TBD by the school soon, tickets sold on School Cash Online
Attire: Formal for grads (same outfit as worn to the Red Carpet event)
3) The parent-organized Dry After Grad (DAG)
Location: McMath rotunda and various wings of the school. No in-and-out privileges
Times: Thursday, June 26th approximately 11:00 pm – 5:00 am Friday, June 27th (overnight)
Attendees: McMath Grade 12 graduates that also attended the Formal Dinner Dance Event
Cost: $115 includes red carpet event, bus transportation to and from the dinner dance and the all-night DAG event
Attire: Comfortable casual wear
To attend the Red Carpet event, Formal Grad Dinner Dance and the Dry After Grad event, students must purchase BOTH a dinner/dance ticket and a DAG ticket. The tickets to the dinner/dance and the DAG are sold separately and organized by different groups.
DAG tickets are now available now on McMath’s School Cash Online. The $115 ticket (you can pay in 3 separate installments or add all 3 installments into the cart to pay for the entire ticket at once) gets your grad into an overnight fun, safe, alcohol-free party that includes lots of food and entertainment. Get your DAG ticket today at School Cash Online https://schoolcashonline.com/
Tickets for the school-sponsored formal dinner/dance at Pat Quinn Restaurant, Tsawwassen Springs will be available shortly.
Please contact Mr. Johnstone, Principal by email if your grad cannot afford the tickets to this celebration as it is our goal to have all grads included in this special event.
Can students choose one June 26th event over the other?
• Students can choose to purchase one ticket and attend the formal dinner/dance only. However, we really encourage graduates to attend both the Dinner Dance and DAG to have the full celebratory experience with their entire graduation class.
• To attend DAG, students must purchase a DAG ticket AND a dinner/dance ticket.
• Students can not purchase a DAG ticket only.
Who organizes the DAG?
Grade 12 parents, we could use your help and welcome you to join us at our next DAG meeting.
Every year at McMath, a newly formed Grade 12 Parent DAG Committee organizes and runs the event with the help of Grade 10 and 11 parent volunteers who act as “shadows” to learn the ropes for the following year. An event of this size requires a large group of grade 12 parents to organize it, and approximately 12 parents Chair each of the following committees:
· Chair/Co-Chair
· Treasurer
· Secretary
· Bag Drop-off
· Decorations (a chair/co-chair for this committee is still needed)
· Entertainment
· Food
· Donations/Fundraising
· Red Carpet
· Security
· Takedown
· Transportation
· Lighting/Parking
Please find the remaining DAG Meeting Schedule for Grade 12 Parents below. All meetings take place in the McMath staff room:
· Tuesday, March 11th 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
· Tuesday, April 15th 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
· Tuesday, May 13th 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
· Tuesday, June 3rd 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
· Tuesday, June 10th 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
· Tuesday, June 17th 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Dry After Grad event Thursday, June 26th 11:00 pm – 5:00 am Friday, June 27th, 2025 For more information on how parents/caregivers can get involved, please email mcmathdag2025@gmail.com
Grade 12 parents, we could use your help and welcome you to join us.