Grad Assessment Schedule Now Available (GLA 10 & 12)
The Grade 10 and 12 Literacy Assessments are a provincial assessments that assess student proficiency in literacy, they are required for graduation.
The Grad Literary Assessments (GLA 10 & 12) are scheduled for October 30-November 3. The times and locations are now posted in the school’s office window. A summary of that schedule is attached for your reference. Current Grade 10 and 12 students are required to check the schedule in the school to find out the date, time and location of their grad assessments.
Please arrive at the assessment with supplies early to help facilitate the sign in procedure, so that the assessment can begin on time.
If your name is missing from the list, please see Mr. Banta in the main office as soon as possible.
GLA 12 support sessions are scheduled during the PLT October 19th, 24th and 26th, in Ms. Loren’s Room C203. All grade 12s are invited.
GLA 10 support sessions will take place in the library Tuesday, October 24th during PLT and Thursday October 26th afterschool.
For more information, please visit the government website: