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Student Notices May 28, 2024

Tomorrow, during Block F is the next Fruit & Veggie Delivery – Ambrosia Apples!  Teachers, please send a runner to the staff room at the beginning of Block F tomorrow to collect the fruit.  Any leftovers are to be returned to the staff room, and any students wanting extra can go to the LS room at lunch. 

Reminder to students, tomorrow, Wednesday May 29th, is a Collab Day. School begins at 9:30 am sharp!

Students, please note that the graduation assessment schedule for June is posted in the office window and outside of the library learning commons. If you still have to complete a needed grad assessment this year, please check the list for your name. If you need to complete a graduation assessment this year, and if your name is not on the posted schedule, please see Mr. Banta in the office today so that you can be registered.

Attention Volleyball Players. Junior girls open gym begins tomorrow at 3:00 pm. Everyone from grade 8 to 10 welcome! For any questions, please see Mr. Shen. 

Attention Junior Rugby Team Members.  Our Team Pizza lunch is TODAY.  Please bring your jersey.  We will be in Room 12137, Ms. Schiefer’s English room beside Ms. Guest’s room.  See you at lunch!

Grads!  A Valedictory seating chart has been posted outside the office.  Please check if your name is listed correctly.  If any changes need to be made, please see Ms. Mavis in the office. 

Attention Grads!  If you are unable to attend the Valedictory Rehearsal on June 7th due to the track meet, please see Mr. Banta at break today.

Updated: Tuesday, May 28, 2024