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Service Hours - deadline June 13th @ 2pm

We are collecting information from our students for potential service awards.

Service to the school is an important part of making McMath run smoothly and it gives students an opportunity to contribute to the school in a variety of ways. There are three levels of service awards: Level 1: 10-30 hours; Level 2: 31-60 hours; and Level 3: over 60 hours.

Criteria: Unpaid volunteer service that is done at, and for, the school can be considered service and may be included. This is for service that exceeds the normal and expected participation, in a club, group, team activity, or organization of a specific event (not just participation in) such as: Remembrance Day, First Responders, Fruit & Vegetables, etc. Activities that are NOT eligible for service awards are volunteer service that is part of a course requirement (or related to a course being taken) such as: PHE, Leadership, Yearbook, Work Experience, etc. Please note that only service hours for the 2023-2024 school year will be considered.

If you would like to be considered for a service award, please complete our online form.

You can access the online form by clicking

Please note that the deadline to complete this online survey is Thursday, June 13th at 2pm. 

Also, please note that awards ceremonies will be taking place on the days listed below. More information will be coming in the next few days about these ceremonies. Please listen to announcements, check your emails and the school website for updates. Thank you.

June 18 - PLT - Grade 8 & 9 Awards

June 19 - Evening Banquet - Major Award Winners (invitations will be sent out)

June 20 - PLT - Grade 10-12 Awards


McMath Secondary

"Home of the Wildcats"


Updated: Monday, June 17, 2024