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McMath Pedestrian and Vehicle Safety

With the change in weather and fewer daylight hours, it is important now more than ever that everyone in our community is mindful of making safe and considerate decisions regarding vehicle and pedestrian traffic during school days, in particular at the start and end of each school day. It is our collective responsibility to make sure that all students, parents, staff and surrounding community members are safe. We also want to make sure that we are being considerate neighbours to those who live in the community immediately around the school. 

 Here are some simple, safe and considerate things that all members of our school community can do to help:

  • The traffic at the school at the beginning and the end of each school day is very busy. We want to reduce congestion, and help ensure that all students arrive safely and on time. Students should be encouraged to walk, ride their bikes, or take public transit whenever possible. Fewer vehicles around the school will make it safer for everyone.
  • If it is necessary to drive your child to school, please be considerate of those who live in the neighbourhood around the school by not clogging the streets or blocking driveways at any time. Some of our surrounding side streets are small and are not able to accommodate the large number of parent vehicles that have been using them. Local families are, at times, not able to get out of their driveways and get to their places of work or learning on time as a result.
  • If it is necessary to drive your child to school, make a plan to arrive well in advance of the start of the school day to reduce congestion and the likelihood that you and your child will be late.
  • Follow all posted traffic signs and rules at all times. They are in place for everyone’s safety.
  • Drivers please be aware of your surroundings at all times. Watch for pedestrians on foot and those riding bicycles. Be courteous and stop at marked crosswalks when pedestrians are waiting to cross the road. This school year, we have had three reports of drivers nearly hitting pedestrians around the school.
  • Pedestrians, whether on foot or riding bicycles, please make sure you are visible and aware of your surroundings at all times. There are many simple ways to do this, including:
    1. wearing bright coloured clothing
    1. walking along sidewalks and not on the road
    1. not having earphones in both ears when walking or cycling so that you can hear the traffic around you
    1. waiting for vehicles to stop and making eye contact with drivers before crossing the road (please do not assume that a driver has seen you just because you are standing at a crosswalk)
    1. cyclists please be mindful of others on foot and in their vehicles so you do not collide with them. 
    1. give yourself lots of time to get to school – when we are feeling rushed, we don’t always pay attention as well as we should.  

Thank you for your assistance with this. Let’s each do our part to make this a positive, safe and successful school year!


Updated: Friday, October 11, 2024