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Student Notices October 15th, 2024

Attention all Grade 9s. Please hand in your Immunization Forms to the office, as soon as possible.


Photo Re-take Day is tomorrow, October 16th in the morning. Retakes will only be available for students who…

1. Missed photo day in September OR

2. Require a new photo for a photo package to be purchased.

If students needing a re-takes must hand-in the current ID Card to the photographer before getting a re-take.


Grade 11 & Grade 12 Students. A representative from SFU Beedie School of Business will be at McMath today in room 11205 at lunchtime come and meet the Representative.


Graduation Literacy Assessment Prep Sessions

GLA 10 and GLA 12 assessments will happen during the last week of October. There will be a GLA 12 Prep Session in the Library during PLT on Thursday, October 17th.

The detailed schedule for GLA 10 & 12 will be posted outside the office and library late this week.



McMath's Ski Club info meeting is today at lunch in the large gym. You'll find out dates, costs, schedules, and will pick-up permission forms. See Ms. Phillpotts if you have any questions.


Any Grades 11 & 12 Boys wanting to play basketball this year, Basketball Tryouts will be on Tuesday, October 22 and Wednesday, Octobe r 23.  Both at 7:00AM in the gym.



Grade 8 wildcats! Get excited for Student Council’s Grade 8 Halloween Dance, with the theme NEON NIGHT! The dance will be on Tuesday, Oct 29th from 6-8pm after school, and includes a SNACK and drink box. Tickets are selling for $7 from the 16th to the 23rd at lunch in the rotunda, so make sure to bring a friend and get your tickets before they’re gone! Can’t wait to see you there.


Hey, Wildcats! It’s Student Council with a special announcement! It’s Halloweek from Oct 28th -31st. We will be having games all week in the rotunda at lunch. Win prizes and join in the fun.

Monday, Oct 28th is Musical Pumpkins

Tuesday, Oct 29th is Mummy Wrap

Wednesday, Oct 30th is the Jello Eating Contest

And Thursday, Oct 31st is our Costume Contest! Sign-up for the costume contest on the McMath StuCo Instagram. Sign-ups are open until October 25th, so start planning your costume now!

Updated: Tuesday, October 15, 2024