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Student Notices October 8th, 2024

If you did not receive your ID card please come to the office at break, lunch or after-school to pick it up.


Attention all Grade 9s. Please hand in your immunization forms to the office, as soon as possible.


Photo Re-take Day is Wednesday, October 16th in the morning. The call down order will be Grade 12 through to Grade 8. Retakes will only be available for students who…

1. Missed photo day in September OR

  1. Require a new photo for a photo package that is being purchased.

Please note that re-takes will not be taken for the purpose of getting a new photo for a school ID card. If students needing a re-take and had photos done in September, they must hand-in the current ID Card to the photographer before getting a re-take. Students will not be permitted to keep the old and new ID cards. The photographers will have name cards for students who missed photo day in September.


There are second language courses available to challenge.  If you are in Grades 11 or 12 and are wanting to Challenge a Language or are curious about challenging a second language, please your Counsellor.   Application information to apply for a language challenge are available in the Counselling Centre.  Please see your Counsellor before October 23rd.


Unfortunately, the representative from KPU will not be able to attend today, hopefully KPU will reschedule for another time, stay tuned.


Clubs Days!  McMath Clubs Days will be on Thurs & Friday this week. Come to the upper and lower Rotunda during lunch to check out all the great clubs!


AP Exams for the 2024-2025. If you would like to order one or more AP exams this year, please see the school website with more details or pick up a form in the office. Payment is due Friday, November 1st.

Updated: Wednesday, October 9, 2024