Student Notices March 11th, 2025
The Spring McMath Clothing Sale is on now until March 14th! Check the school website for the link or use the QR code on the signs by the office. We have new pink hoodies and tees – check them out!
Friday is our last day before Spring Break Wildcats! Please make sure you clean out your locker before Friday, and please check the lost and found as the items will be donated on Friday. Thank you.
Attention Tennis Team, tryouts will be held again on Wednesday March 12th. Please meet at the outdoor tennis courts in Steveston park for 3:15pm
Attention Senior Boys Rugby Players. A reminder about our game today at McNair. By now, you have informed your Block H teacher for the early dismissal at 2:40pm. Meet at the front entrance.
The Chinese Culture and History Club will be hosting a Traditional Dessert Tasting Contest today, March 11th at lunch. Come down to Ms. Sun’s room, 13183 in lower C-wing to try some new treats!
SPCA is hosting a Bubble Tea Fundraiser on Friday, March 14th during lunch! we will be selling original, brown sugar, taro and mango milktea as well as passion fruit tea. Get your pre-orders in before March 12th using the link in our bio @ mcmath_spac_club on instagram.
Wildcats! Have you bought your tickets for this Year's School Play, "Same Room, Different Story"? We have 80% of our tickets! DO NOT wait until it's too late to purchase your ticket! The show runs April 14-17 and tickets are only $5! Tickets can be purchased outside the theatre at lunch. We will see you there!
Spirit Week is this week! Today is Rain or Shine, Wednesday is Wacky Hair Wednesday, Thursday is Decade Day: Each grade represents a different era: • Grade 8s: 2000s • Grade 9s: 90s • Grade 10s: 80s • Grade 11s: 70s • Grade 12s: 60s, and finally, Friday is Green vs. Gold! Get in the Spirit Wildcats!
Wildcats! Get ready for McMath StuCo’s Annual McMath’s Got Talent! This event will be on April 16 & 17th at lunch in the large Gym. If you want to perform – whether it’s singing, dancing or even juggling. Please sign-up using the form in the bio of the McMath StuCo Instagram! The deadline to sign-up is March 21st. Can’t wait to see all the performers.
Hey Wildcats! Do you have a sweet tooth or got some cravings? The Cantonese Club is hosting a Mochi Fundraiser, all proceeds will go to BC Children’s Hospital. Pre-sales March 11, 12 & 13th on the stairs outside the library. Flavours include mango, mango with cream and chocolate – starting at $6.50. Pick-ups will be on Friday, April 4th at lunch in the rotunda. Limited quantities are available on the day of. Don’t miss out Wildcats.