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Student Notices March 3rd, 2025

Students interested in applying for a School District Dual Credit Program, some deadlines are coming up. March 4th is the deadline for the Intro to Early Childhood Education Program March 11th is the deadline for Manufacturing and Engineering Co-Op, KPU Biomedical & Health Science Program and Intro to Health Science Summer course at KPU. Get your applications in. You can find more info on the SD38 Career Programs website or on the slat board in the counselling area.


A huge congratulations to the McMath Senior Girls Basketball Team, who battled hard in every game this past week and finished in 8th place at the Provincials! For this team to finish in the top half of the draw among the top teams in the province is a credit to their work ethic, dedication and skill. Congrats team!  Go Wildcats!


Congrats to the Ethics Bowl team, who battled hard to place in the Top 10 in BC at this past weekend’s Ethics Bowl at Simon Fraser University. Great job this year, continuing McMath’s success as the only Richmond team to compete for Nationals. Way to go, Wildcats!


As tradition, McMath was represented by keen minded Physics students at the UBC Physics Olympics where they competed all day Saturday against 80 other schools in events related to Buoyancy, Optics, Dynamics, and Solar Power. Congratulations


Attention Science Fair Students who are attending the regional fair at UBC in April: there will be a meeting TODAY in Ms. Grondin's room, 22119, at lunch. If you can't make it, please see Ms. Grondin as soon as possible.


A couple of donuts with sprinkles

Description automatically generatedThis week is Student Council’s Food Eating Contest! They will be hosted at lunch in the rotunda! Today, is the Donut Eating Contest. Wednesday is the Watermelon Eating Contest, and lastly Friday, is the Hot Dog Eating Contest! Come out to the rotunda and enjoy the fun.

Attention Senior Boys Rugby Players.  We have meetings TODAY and TOMORROW.  Both practices start at 3:15 to 4:45pm. Please speak with your teachers for the early dismissal on Wednesday March 5th at 10:40.  If you are NOT going to the tournament, please let Mr. J by email or a note at the office. 


 Wildcats! Have you bought your tickets for this Year's School Play, "Same Room, Different Story"? Tickets are now more than halfway sold out. Don't wait until it's too late to purchase your ticket! This year's school play is about teenagers' struggles and how they deal with them, from failing to put on a surprise birthday to trying to run away from home. This dramedy will entertain everyone! The show runs April 14-17 and tickets are only $5! Tickets can be purchased outside the theatre at lunch. We will see you there!


Wildcats, get ready to show your school spirit because Spirit Week is happening from March 10th to 14th, and Stuco’s got a fun St. Patrick’s-themed lineup for you! Monday is Mad Hat Monday, Tuesday is Rain or Shine, Wednesday is Wacky Hair Wednesday, Thursday is Decade Day: Each grade represents a different era: • Grade 8s: 2000s • Grade 9s: 90s • Grade 10s: 80s • Grade 11s: 70s • Grade 12s: 60s, and finally, Friday is Green vs. Gold!


Wildcats, have you lost your water bottle, binder or something else? Please check the Lost and Found, across from the library. Smaller and more expensive items may be returned to the office.


Updated: Tuesday, March 4, 2025