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Evidence Post June 2024 - McMath School Story

Evidence Post June 2024 - McMath School Story


We are continuing our focus and commitment to Build Curiosity using student voice.  In Early June, we hosted our second McMath student Voice Forum during PLT.  Our Student Voice Facilitators are engaged in their work leading student voice at McMath.  This group of 12 is diverse from grades 9 to12.  

The focus for this forum is to go deeper from the information from our Student Voice Forum in December.  The conclusion in December from the student voices were to have a stronger connection with the school, fellow students, and the staff.  The facilitators created the questions to get more information from students regarding connections.

The Focus of the June forum was:

1.  How do we make connections with new people?

2.  Who do you feel most connected with?

3.  What are the challenges of making connections at McMath, what can we about it?

4.  What environment makes you comfortable at McMath?  Any unsafe spaces? Why?

5. What make us feel like we belong?


Next School Year Plans for Student Voice

The Student Voice team celebrated late June with a pizza party.  This group is engaged in their work to grow McMath a connected community with staff and students.  The team also shared their appreciation with the grads on the team.  The Grads asked the team to continue this important work for McMath.  The group will be asking for new volunteers for next year.

The team will use the "data" from the questions above to share with staff and students.  These plans will be organized in September.

We are excited for the next year and plan to have three to four forums.  The focus will be determined with their inquiry.


Updated: Wednesday, July 3, 2024