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Student Voice Pt 3

Recapping our story so far, our school is actively prioritizing student voices in various areas this year. Firstly, we have implemented a student-centered approach in our French Immersion program by including student input in creating learning maps. By involving students in this process, we ensure that their perspectives and needs are considered, fostering a more engaging and personalized learning experience.
In addition to French Immersion, we are also incorporating student voice in broader aspects of our school. As part of the district student voice conference, we recently invited a small number of students from different grades to represent our school. It was important for us to select students who are diverse in their interests, strengths, and backgrounds, aiming for inclusivity beyond academic achievements. By involving a wide range of students, we ensure that the conference discussions and decisions reflect the needs and aspirations of the entire student body. 

Updated: Thursday, July 6, 2023