Work Experience
Work Experience (WEX) is a program that provide students with an opportunity to apply classroom learning in a context outside of school and to bring back to the classroom new perspectives about their learning. Students will participate in, observe, and learn about the tasks and responsibilities related to an occupation or career, as determined by their unique interests and curiosities. During this course, students will learn about and experience various aspects of the workplace and are provided with a frame of reference within which to review or revise their career-life development goals. They will have an opportunity to personalize their learning by establishing a work training plan unique to their interests and to the employability skills they aim to develop. The course comprises 90 hours minimum of work/volunteer experience and 20-30 hours in-class learning activities, totaling 100-120 hours.
The goals of Ministry of Education and Child Care for the WEX Program ( are to help students to:
· Pursue academic and career-life goals
· Facilitate the transition from school to post-secondary life
· Understand the rights, responsibilities, and expectations associated with a WEX placement
· Develop employment readiness and sector—specific skills
· Understand the responsibilities and expectations of a workplace
McMath is offering Work Experience Programs in the following areas:
· Health Sciences and Biotechnology
· Law and Law Enforcement
· Information Technology, Computer Applications and Technology in Business
· Business Management, Financial Management (Accounting), Marketing
For more information about Work Experience, please see Ms. Lim or talk to your counsellor.